Indiana, Our Indiana
Indiana, we’re all for you
We will fight for the Cream & Crimson
For the glory of Old IU
Never daunted, we cannot falter
In a battle, we’re tried and true
Indiana, Our Indiana
Indiana, we’re all for you!
Another school year is upon us -- in the classroom and laboratory, on the field, and across campus. Both in and out of the classroom, Indiana University remains strong. The Big Ten GOLD (Graduates of the Last Decade) Challenge is an exciting opportunity for graduates of 1993-2002 to exhibit their loyalty and commitment to Indiana University.
How can you help make Indiana University #1 among the Big Ten?
It’s simple! Make a gift to the department or program of your choice. The GOLD Challenge tracks participation rates of graduates from 1993-2002. Your gift will not only enhance resources in the classrooms, provide scholarships for deserving students, and enable technological and software upgrades, but it will place Indiana University a step ahead in the alumni challenge among Big Ten universities.
Making a gift is easy!
Just click on and follow the easy instructions to make your gift online. Or, make a gift through upcoming phone or mail campaigns on behalf of Indiana University. If you have any questions about the giving process, please e-mail [email protected] or telephone us at (800) 558-8311. We will be happy to answer any questions and guide you through the process.
Your gift is much appreciated. And your participation, along with that of your classmates, will put Indiana University ahead of the rest. Thanks for your ongoing commitment and support of Indiana University. Go Hoosiers!
Indiana, Our Indiana
Indiana, we’re all for you!